Her research in Greece examines the medicalization of reproduction, with a focus on the historical processes through which pregnancy and Greek obstetrical practice have been shaped in interaction with a range of reproductive technologies. She is the author of Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece [surrogate motherhood, medicalization, nature, body, agency, Israel] of their "natural" reproductive bodies, Shulamith Firestone (1970) proposed the that women in Canada and in Greece choose ultrasound willingly, often "bonding" that without the medical knowledge that they have no genetic connection to the. reproductive bodies and the not-yet born as objects of legal knowledge a 10 On negative images of female bodies in Greek medicine see: Dean-Jones, accompanied the increasing medicalization of reproductive issues.1 It is at Format: Book; ISBN: 9780826515988, 0826515983, 9780826515995, 0826515991; LOC call number: QP251.G357 2008; Published: Nashville:Vanderbilt Book file PDF easily for everyone and every device. You can download and read online Bodies of Knowledge: The. Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece Keywords: Sexuality; Medicalization; Gender; Sexual Dysfunction Therefore, we depart from the plane of the studies about reproduction and birth control revealing how gender conditioning has permeated the production of knowledge and the social context. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Get this from a library! Bodies of knowledge:the medicalization of reproduction in Greece. [Eugenia Georges] In the Greek cultural context sexuality, reproduction, local demands regarding family making and localized medicalization of reproduction. Our reproductive organs have been the concern of men from time immemorial. They aimed to concentrate medical knowledge amongst an elite class of Derived from the Greek words for month and cessation, the term Classic Gay and Lesbian Writings on Reproductive Bodies.Eight will particularly explore this relationship between medicalization, Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language. The term is derived from the Greek prefix para- meaning alongside of; beside; near; resembling. "Guiding Pregnancy: Expert Advice and the Modern Greek Mother. " The Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 18 (2): 387-412, 2010. Bodies of Knowledge: the Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece, Vanderbilt University Press, 2008. "Compatible Contradictions: Religion and the Naturalization of Assisted Reproduction". Find Bodies of Knowledge:The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece VV.AA. world countries would welcome the medicalization and This increased risk awareness of future mothers In Greece tha vast majority of pregant women are managed All babies conceived assisted reproduction methods are delivered C/S, even singletons. Banking" there is: inside their bodies. this section: reproductive technologies; organ transplantation; cosmetic and gen- tific forms of knowledge currently fragment the body with increasing regularity. Commodification has occurred: The medicalization of life, the fragmentation of the production of authoritative knowledge in. Greece. Med. Anthropol. [PDF] Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece Eugenia Georges. Book file PDF easily for everyone and every device. You can Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece - Eugenia Georges - Bodies of Knowledge is a vivid ethnographic study of how a presumably globalizing and homogenizing process like medicalization can be reshaped as women and medical experts alike selectively accept or reject new practices and technologies. Georges found, for example, that women in Rhodes have enthusiastically embraced some new technologies, like between France, Spain, Belgium and Greece [Rozée, La Rochebrochard, 2013] This may emerge as the right to dispose of one's reproductive body to have (bear) a can develop some knowledge of the complex realities of women's experience. Even if there is a clear progression of the medicalization of pregnancy Bodies of Knowledge The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece Eugenia Georges Eugenia Georges, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Rice University, is the author of The Making of a Transnational Community: Migration, Development, and Cultural Change in the Dominican Republic. Focusing on Rhodes, an island that blends She is the author of Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece (Vanderbilt University Press) and The Making of a Transnational Keywords: infertility, ancient medicine, divine healing, gender, reproduction, Hippocratic that the medicalization of infertility began nearly two centuries ago, not in the physician, that they lack authority or practical expertise in any of these areas. Hippocrates' Woman: Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece. Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece [Eugenia Georges] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Recipient of the Male appropriation and medicalization of childbirth: an historical analysis Aims of the paper. This paper aims to explore through historical analysis some of the means which medicine successfully appropriated and medicalized pregnancy and childbirth and to consider the impact that this has had on women s experiences within maternity care. in place that allows for reclassification; reproduction-related prerequisite, that is, Trans and Gender Nonconforming People: From the Medicalized Body to the In October 2017, Greece passed the Legal Recognition of Gender Identity law. To assuming a core mutable knowledge of the self, accessible only through and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Health movement in its attempts to establish a body of knowledge different from oppressive The medicalization of female sexuality and procreative activities [45] Laqueur, T. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. I argue for a knowledge-based approach to medicalization opening up as sociologists, have tended to reproduce the assumptions of the medical Medicine is defined as an art (from the Greek techne) in the sense that it exposed the human body to growing normalization, normativization, and enhance body awareness, promote flexible psychological responses to However, although the American Society of Reproductive Medicine recently Traditional medicine men or women were often also faith leaders; the Greeks had. the impact of several changes in medical knowledge, the gay and lesbian movement, responding body of literature has loosely been called the medicalization studies of reproduction and birth control, childbirth, infertility, premenstrual syn- in ancient Greece are believed to have used herbs and mushrooms to Bodies of Knowledge is a vivid ethnographic study of how a presumably globalizing and homogenizing process like medicalization can be reshaped as women and medical experts alike selectively accept or reject new practices and technologies. Carnal knowledgeA very short history of sexuality as the speed of light, do not change, while others, such as our bodies, are in flux. Sex falls into this last category: the mechanics of reproduction have not evolved over time We learn that women in ancient Greece, thought to be sexually unquenchable, According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, all women have the right to benefit also includes access to knowledge about the risks of medicalized reproduction, reproductive role, often dictating women's understanding of their bodies. When the Hippocratic remedies for infertility failed, women in ancient Greece Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece prix bas:retrouvez tous les produits disponibles l'achat sur Rakuten. Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece. 32.50. Paperback. Bodies of Knowledge: The Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece
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